CSS menus, working with default and custom
Sometimes when we're working in a new web template and we apply styles to its navigation menu, we forget about the existence of default menu, page's listing. The difference between this menu and customs is that WordPress removes the class "menu" to the default menu and assigns it to the <div> (menu's container).
In order to apply styles in an easier way to both menus, you must create a div that contains the main menu and apply the CSS right into the container, in this case top_nav and then ul, so the CSS will be something like this:
div.top_nav ul -> the styles
As for the HTML, it can go in the following way:
<div class="top_nav">
<?php wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => 'Header Menu' )); ?>
It can also go on this way by making the container within the function's array.
<?php wp_nav_menu( array('container'=>'top_nav',
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